Unrivaled Expertise: We Know the Mortgage Industry Better than Anyone
We deliver services that fulfill regulatory & GSE compliance, client defined projects, unique and specialized specifications.
The KLR Group is a team of specialists. Our core competency is applying regulatory, compliance and loan product needs to loan file reviews and audits.
Unrivaled Experts: We Know the Mortgage Industry Better than Anyone
Credit | Compliance | Valuation | Origination | Servicing | Risk Management | Trading Desk
Securitization | Underwriting | Deal Management | Due-Diligence | Litigation
About the KLR Group
Through years of watching companies grapple to find successful profitable growth strategies while managing operations to support that strategy, focused on developing optimal organizations and processes, The KLR Group was built to be a “Concierge” of services. Supporting single projects as well as continuous flow/on-going services is a prime capability.
Experience – Our team’s extensive background and experience in the industry is at the core of driving success, having worked for top National and Global companies as well as experience with clients that includes: Top banks, non-banks, lenders, servicers and investors.
The KLR Team has experience in a wide range of business models and types- What we have learned is that even within a single industry, each company (Client!) is different. Taking the time to ask questions, even the obvious ones, results in a better knowledge of how to deliver a better service and address client specific Goals and Objectives.
We know our business well and have the ability to deliver better than anyone.